1972 Brown Sound 100W SL


Seeking to recreate the sound of a 1972 Marshall JMP Super Lead with the EVH V2A cathode mod, running with a variac at 89V.

Perfect for those early Van Halen sounds.

14 Studio Profiles

5x B - 70s G12m-25 Blackback with SM57 and MD421

2x BV - 70s G12m-25 Blackback with SM57 and sE VR1

3x G - 90s G12m-25 Greenback with SM57 and MD421

4x GV - 90s G12m-25 Greenback with SM57 and sE VR1

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JMP Lead Mod
JCM 2204 Jose
JMP Crunch/Dookie-ish Mod
JMP SLOverdrive Mod
1976 Slash #34/#36 modded 2203